Thursday, 14 April 2016

The Good Samaritan narrative

The Good Samaritan
The sun is hot, the man asks what must I do to have eternal life?
You must seek your neighbor who will then reward you God replies.
Woosh! said the wind. Then the man could see a couple of strangers come close to him. They suddenly start to beat him and strip him of most of his clothes.
He could taste blood.
People just walk past. He wonders what did God mean?
A man came up to him, but it is a Samaritan. The beaten man wonders what things would he do to him? The Samaritan picks him up. The Samaritan can feel the blood from his body. He carries the man off the road. The man is confused. Out of all the people that walked past the one to help him is a Samaritan. The Samaritan gives him a drink and heals him. The Samaritan suddenly left. He is as quiet as water. He finally understands what God meant. He felt loved.