Title: Nightmare Academy Charlie’s Monsters
Author: Dean Lorey
Setting: Nightmare Academy for those who have the gift.
Characters: Charlie, Mr Benjamin, Rex, Tabitha, Violet, Theodore, Pinch, Ogla, Reginald Drake, Director, Bar
akkas, Headmaster and Housemama Rose the characters are the ones that make this story alive.
It’s about a boy named Charlie who has the gift and he could open a portal for a stage 5 monster without going to Nightmare Academy.
He went to Nightmare Academy to stop opening a portal for a monster to come while he’s sleeping and to learn more about the gift he has and will now help getting the monsters back to where they're supposed to be.
It’s a story that makes pictures in my mind and seeing it how it is said and a really intriguing fascinating story.
even looking at the cover and title it looks interesting. It’s a really stunning book and I suggest you try reading it some time.
On the back of the book it says:
Your parents lied.
There ARE monsters under your bed.
Things DO go bump in the night.
But don’t worry.
At the Nightmare Academy…
we bump back.
What I enjoyed about it was how interesting it is and I liked the idea of the Nightmare academy and I like the Mimics and also how they smell like cinnamon. I think it is suitable for 9 year olds and older and my rating is 8 out of 10.